J.S. lesson plan


Hearing Impaired Professional Preparation

Meeting the needs of children with hearing loss and their families:
Training specialists in speech-language pathology

 A joint project between Kent State University and The University of Akron

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  • LESSON PLAN FOR 12/1/08

    AUDITORY GOALS          

    GOAL:  Client will discriminate all of the Ling 6 sounds at 15, 18 feet with both implants and at 3 feet while wearing left implant alone.

    Activity 1: The Ling 6 sounds will be presented at 3, 15, 18 feet.  Can client imitate the   sounds?

    Materials:  record sheet 








    15 feet





















    3 feet








    Activity 2:  Client will be given the WASP I-A for her left ear and WASP II-B while wearing both. 


    GOAL:     Client will discriminate minimal pair contrasts involving vowel contrasts with 80% accuracy with her left implant alone.

    Activity 3: Clinician will visually present a minimal pair to client and then say one.  Client will circle the one given.

    Shorts vs. shirt    noon vs. none    beg vs. bug        walk vs. work     many vs. money






    Spoon vs. spun    lawn vs. learn   left vs. laughed    net vs. nut          better vs. butter








    GOAL:    JS will demonstrate comprehension of spatial prepositional words in a context of sentences over 80% of trials by using audition alone.  (behind, next to, in front of, besides, on the right side, on the left side, etc.)  This will be advanced to 2 prepositional words when appropriate.

    Activity 4:  Clinician and client will play Dave Sindrey’s Bumpy Bus’ “Who’s Away Today?”  Client and clinician will take turns describing where the children on their own game card are sitting.  When done describing, there should be one child left that is not on the bus.  Clinician and client will turn over the answer card to see “who’s away today.”

    Sample sentences:

    The blond boy with the freckles is sitting behind the girl with the ponytail. (1 preposition)

    The girl with the pigtails is in front of the girl with the ponytail.

    The boy with the cap is next to the seat behind the bus driver. (2 prepositions)

    The orange-haired boy is in the last seat on the right.

    Materials:  Bus, game cards.




    GOAL:  Client will demonstrate comprehension of the word synonym by matching up the correct pair of synonyms.

    Activity 5: Client will match up synonyms on poster board, and then have a “synonym” word-search race with sister/clinician., and find the sealed solution envelope in the room.

    Careful-cautious          infant-baby                  fortunate-lucky           enemy-foe

    Buy-purchase              furious-angry               solution-answer           summit-top

    Impolite – rude           locate- find                  hurt-harm                    wealthy-rich

    Materials: flash cards, poster board, word search puzzles, and hidden solution card

    GOAL: Client will read verses of a poem with fluency.  (stopping at commas, periods, rising voice at exclamation marks, emphasize on italicized words)

    Activity 6:  Clinician and client will take turns reading “I am the Dog, I am the Cat” by Donald Hall and Barry Moser.  Each will take a role and take turns reading their part. Clinician will model with lots of emphasis and intonations.


    GOAL:  Client will appropriately apply an idiom to a given situation using a closed set of 5.

    Activity 7:  Clinician will explain the meaning of 2 new idioms and give examples.  After client has listened to both, the clinician will verbally give a scenario to client (visual cue of a picture describing the scene), and client will apply the correct idiom to the scene choosing from a set of 5 (the 3 from last week, and 2 new ones from today.)  “Listen to the story, and circle the phrase you think would go with the story.”

    1.                   Beggars can’t be choosers.

    2.                  Go Fly a Kite

    3.                  Have your cake and eat it too!

    4.                  Spill the Beans.

    5.                  Have cold feet.


    TAKE HOME:  set of synonym cards and wordsearch puzzles to do with sister





    The Schools of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology at the University of Akron and Kent State University are accredited in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology by the Council on Academic Accreditation of The American Speech-Language and Hearing Association.

    This site has been designed and maintained by Stacey Lim. This site was last updated 03/07/09