Books and Articles
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Cohen, L.H. (1994). Train go sorry: Inside a Deaf world.
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Estabrooks, W. (1994). Auditory-verbal therapy for parents
and professionals. Washington: Alexander Graham Bell
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Flexer, C. (1999). Facilitating hearing and listening in
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Geers, A. (2002). Factors affecting the development of
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Ling, D. (1989). Foundations of spoken language for
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Ling, D. (2002). Speech and the hearing-impaired child:
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Moog, J. S., Biedensterin,
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St. Louis: Central Institute for the Deaf.
Moore, J. & Teagle, H. (2002). An introduction to cochlear
implant technology, activation, and programming. Language,
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Moore, M.S. & Levitan, L. (1993). For hearing people only:
Answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about the Deaf
community, its culture, and the “Deaf reality”. (2nd
Ed.). Rochester: Deaf Life Press.
Nevins, M. & Chute, P. (1996). Children with cochlear
implants in educational settings. San Diego: Singular
Publishing Group, Inc.
Parents and families of Natural Communication, Inc. (1998).
We CAN hear and speak: The power of auditory-verbal communication
for children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Washington:
Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf.
Pollack, D., Goldberg, D., & Caleffe-Schenck, N. (1997).
Educational audiology for the limited-hearing infant and
preschooler; an auditory-verbal program (3rd ed.).
Springfield: Charles C. Thomas Publisher, Ltd.
Preston, P.M. (1994). Mother father deaf: Living between
sound and silence. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Robertson, L. with an introduction by Flexer, C. (2000).
Literacy learning for children who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Washington: Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf.
Sindrey, D. (2000). Cochlear implant auditory training
guidebook. London: Wordplay Publications.
Sindrey, D. (2000). Listening for
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Teagle, H. & Moore, J. (2002). School-based services for
children with cochlear implants. Language, Speech, and Hearing
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Wilkins, M. & Ertmer, D. (2002). Introducing young children
who are deaf or hard of hearing to spoken language: child’s voice,
an oral school. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in
Schools, 33(3), 196-204.
Wrigley, O.
(1997). The politics of deafness. Washington: Gallaudet