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The horn on the car goes beep beep
Beep beep beep, beep beep beep
The horn on the car goes beep beep beep all through the town.
The people in
the car eat mmm, mmm, mmm
Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm
The people in the car eat mmm, mmm, mmm all through the town.
The snake on
the road says sss,sss,sss
Sss, sss, sss, sss, sss, sss
The snake on the road says sss, sss, sss all through the town.
ghost/monkey in the car goes ooo, ooo, ooo
Ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo,
The ghost/monkey in the car goes ooo, ooo, ooo, all through the town.
The babies in
the car sing laah laah laah,
Laah laah laah, laah laah laah
The babies in the car sing laah laah laah all through the town.
The mommies in
the car go shh, shh, shh
Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh
The mommies in the car go shh, shh, shh all through the town.
Toy props: car,
food item, snake, ghost or monkey, baby doll, finger to mouth to say
Weisend 2003/Robb
(This is also available as a PDF file (47.97 KB):
Ling Six Song)